The Singapore Theatre Bibliography
The Singapore Theatre Bibliography focuses on a broad range of materials related to theatre and drama in Singapore, including:
- books
- book chapters
- journal articles
- published plays, manuscripts and typescripts
- audio-visual recordings of play
- unpublished theses
- selected magazine and newspaper articles
- relevant websites or online resources
Newspaper and magazine articles and production ephemera are not included although the bibliography provides selected information on where collections of these materials reside.
The Singapore Theatre Bibliography is limited to works written in English and Malay. Presently, the library lacks the resources to conduct research in other languages but the scope of the bibliography may be widened to include materials in other languages in the future.
Listing Profile
- Each listing will follow the MLA bibliography format (author/editor; title; publishers; date; page number etc.)
- “Note” indicates annotations original to this Bibliography. Annotations are also sourced from pre-existing publication abstracts, summaries, excerpts or publishers’ reviews where available.
- Material that is locally available will include the library location and call number.
- Journal articles are generally sourced via the Ngee Ann Kongsi Library’s online resources (via the Learning Portal) or through the NLB’s e-resources.
- Significant books will include bibliographies of selected reviews.
- Listing of play scripts are accompanied, where available by information of audio-visual recordings of said plays. There is also a separate section listing only audiovisual material.
Content Categories
For ease of reference, we have divided the Bibliography into the following broad categories:
How to use this bibliography
The bibliography is divided into the categories listed below. A more refined search is possible using the “find” function, which will call up relevant works based on the content of the title, author, notes or keywords in each entry.
- Performance in Southeast Asia (selected) – a select number of texts that provide an overview of arts practice in the region.
- English-language theatre – including works on early history, development and general issues.
- Theatre in Chinese-languages
- Malay-language theatre
- Theatre in Indian languages
- Published plays and manuscripts
- Audio-visual recording of productions
- Reviews, articles and essays focusing on specific plays or festivals
- Interviews, profiles or papers that focus on specific individuals or companies
- Censorship
- Gender, Sexuality
- Online Resources